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Haydon & Company


Toll Free (186) 642-9366 - Toll Free
Phone (919) 781-1293
Address 1803 Oberlin Rd,
Raleigh, NC 27608 United States


Our custom jewelry is made to a very high standard which cannot be accomplished in mass production. Quality is not achieved in this manner and cannot be created in an instant. It requires time, thought, effort and skill. The attention to detail and quality our jewelry requires is something rarely seen today and to change that in any manner is simply something we are not prepared to do. Every piece we make is special to us as well as its owner. Its requirement is to reflect all the features a fine quality piece of jewelry must possess regardless of size or price. You can expect only the best fine jewelry when you rely on our master jeweler for handmade custom jewelry. Your visit to our custom jewelry store will allow you to see and gain a better understanding of jewelry rarely seen in the Raleigh area.

Payment Types: All
Years in Business: 40

Services: Custom Jewelry, Jewelry Repair, Jewelry Appraisals
Products: jewelry, custom engagement rings, rings, bracelets, earrings, brooches, Meissen porcelain


Working hours: Monday - Friday: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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